Samsung Is Adding Two New Galaxy Ring Sizes

Trending 1 month ago

Samsung is making nan Galaxy Ring disposable to overmuch group by adding size 14 and 15 rings to its options starting connected January 22nd. With nan explanation , which was rumored past month, nan institution says its ringing sizes now tally from 5 to 15, though it caveats that immoderate size and colour readiness will alteration by market.

The caller sizes bring nan Galaxy Ring personification to competitor Oura, which already offers its smart ringing successful sizes 4 to 15. Samsung’s announcement didn’t spot specifications astir nan ring’s weight aliases artillery life, but nan existent lineup’s larger size 12 and 13 rings usage bigger batteries and tin past an different clip versus nan others.

The bigger options will beryllium bully for those astatine nan precocious extremity of its size range, peculiarly if they’re only a half-size up. As my workfellow Victoria Song wrote successful her smart ringing sizing guide, moreover if you’re tin to descent nan ringing on, it could beryllium difficult to return it disconnected again arsenic your fingers swell successful consequence to things for illustration nan nutrient you’ve eaten aliases nan business you’re in.

Samsung too announced it’s going to discarded its smart ringing successful 16 overmuch countries, including Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, Greece, and South Africa, starting connected February 7th, though nan nonstop time for each merchandise will vary, it writes.

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