Samsung Announces More Flexible Trade-in Program, No Purchase Required

Trending 4 weeks ago

Samsung has announced a alteration to its Galaxy Trade-In programme that allows consumers to discarded and acquisition successful premier Galaxy smartphone models to nan institution year-round, without nan petition to make a caller acquisition astatine nan aforesaid time.

The caller programme is group to commencement coming successful South Korea and France, pinch different markets to recreation later successful 2025. The institution says that its intent is to “boost nan worthy of Galaxy devices” successful nan semipermanent by providing “amazing savings” done nan trade-in process.

There are 2 cardinal changes to nan program, which will beryllium operated by information and repair institution Likewize. The main alteration is nan acquisition requirement: earlier this argumentation shift, trade-ins to nan institution personification required a caller acquisition from aliases nan company’s app, pinch nan action to commencement a trade-in only appearing during nan checkout process. 

The 2nd alteration is “year-round” availability. Trade-ins are already disposable astatine immoderate clip successful nan US and astir different Western markets, but successful South Korea they’ve antecedently been locked to circumstantial windows — usually conscionable aft awesome caller merchandise launches for illustration adjacent week’s S25 reveal, for example.

There’s still 1 ample limit to nan strategy however: you tin only discarded and acquisition successful circumstantial Samsung flagship phones. Right now, that’s constricted to nan Galaxy S20 bid done to nan S23, and foldables from nan Z Flip 3 and Z Fold 3 done to nan Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5. Curiously, past year’s Galaxy S24 and Z Flip/Fold 6 aren’t included, truthful you can’t discarded point excessively recent.

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