Vyper And Python Smart Contracts On Blockchain – Full Course For Beginners

Trending 5 days ago

If you're consenting successful learning really to represent package that runs connected a blockchain distributed ledger database, this wide group will thatch you everything from scratch utilizing Python and Vyper, moreover if you're a complete beginner. The group will alteration you to: 1. Be tin to create smart contracts successful Vyper, nan pythonic smart connection blockchain language 2. Script successful python (you tin personification 0 python acquisition for this course, we thatch you python too!!) 3. Interact pinch smart contracts successful Python and Vyper 4. Work pinch AI devices to velocity up your development It too covers: - Fuzzing - NFTs - Algorithmic Trading - AI - ERC20s - DeFi And truthful overmuch more! Code and resources: https://github.com/Cyfrin/moccasin-full-course-cu Cyfrin Updraft course: https://updraft.cyfrin.io/courses/intro-python-vyper-smart-contract-development ❤️ Support for this transmission comes from our friends astatine Scrimba – nan coding level that's reinvented interactive learning: https://scrimba.com/freecodecamp Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Blockchain Basics 2:55:04 - Remix Favorite’s List 4:54:18 - Remix Buy Me A Coffee 7:28:35 - AI Prompting 7:36:05 - Python Crash Course 9:56:25 - Web3py Favorites 11:45:23 - Boa Favorites 12:44:32 - Moccasin Favorites 15:03:48 - Moccasin Five More 16:01:17 - Moccasin Buy Me A Coffee 18:23:01 - HTML/JS https://updraft.cyfrin.io/courses/intermediate-python-vyper-smart-contract-development/mox-html/mox-intro 18:27:45 - Moccasin ERC20 and getting hired 20:35:02 - Moccasin NFTs 22:55:48 - Algorithmic Trading 24:45:58 - Moccasin Stablecoin 27:42:06 - Moccasin Signatures 29:36:15 - Final project, Moccasin Upgrades

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