Verizon Bundles Google Ai Into Its Wireless Plans For An Extra $10

Trending 4 days ago

Wes Davis

Wes Davis is a play editor who covers nan latest successful tech and entertainment. He has written news, reviews, and overmuch arsenic a tech journalist since 2020.

Verizon is adding a caller action to bundle Google One AI Premium into its wireless myPlan and myHome nett plans, nan institution announced today. The add-on will beryllium disposable for an different $10 per month, aliases astir half of nan $19.99 Google charges for nan subscription connected its own, starting connected February 6th.

Google One AI Premium comes pinch entree to Gemini Advanced, which adds Gemini features to Google apps for illustration Gmail aliases Docs. It too lets you effort Google’s experimental AI models and nan company’s Deep Research tool.

The subscription besides includes discounts connected Google’s online store, unlimited saves erstwhile you usage nan Magic Editor characteristic successful Google Photos, longer Google Meet calls, and a overmuch robust group of Google Calendar capabilities.

The caller add-on joins Verizon’s streaming activity add-ons for illustration nan Disney Bundle, Netflix and Max pinch ads, and YouTube Premium, which each too costs $10 a month. Verizon says subscribers tin mobility up for nan add-on utilizing nan My Verizon app aliases from its website erstwhile it’s disposable later this week.

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