The different constituent I deliberation it's worthy reasoning astir erstwhile we deliberation astir differentiation and competitors is cyborg content. And what do I mean by this? When I opportunity cyborg content, I don't needfully mean that you petition to beryllium robocop. However, I deliberation that we should beryllium reasoning astir nan measurement that we equilibrium user-generated content, UGC, and AI contented successful nan SERP. It's going to beryllium point pinch hidden gems that becomes overmuch evident arsenic users search.
It too intends that users are going to spot different ways of connecting pinch user-generated content. I've seen this connected Quora, for instance, wherever they're tin to usage a bot, and it says astatine nan apical of their contented that there's a bot that's benignant of summarizing nan reside that group are having. So that's 1 measurement to do it. I've too seen connected LinkedIn, they personification their connection articles wherever they say, "Here's a information of contented that's created pinch AI," and nan AI will springiness nan prompts and nan questions, and past they'll personification users who are answering nan questions pinch their ain value experience.
When group are tin to equilibrium that UGC pinch AI content, they are getting immoderate awesome results. So if you're tin to do that pinch immoderate of your ain content, that's a awesome win.
Additionally, communities are going to beryllium driving contented distribution and contented creation. With nan emergence of truthful overmuch contented coming done AI and nan competitory scenery changing truthful rapidly, group are still going to petition answers, and group are going to beryllium looking for answers successful places that they trust.
Communities that they cognize are going to beryllium awesome sources for that. And whether nan contented itself comes from an AI guidelines aliases is handwritten, bespoke, artisanal content, I deliberation that nan truth that you're tin to banal it incorrect nan communities and for group incorrect nan communities to beryllium tin to vouch for that contented is going to mean a batch overmuch successful this space.
And arsenic a consequence of each of that, I deliberation E-E-A-T is going to spell a spot of a blueprint for human-led AI contented successful nan adjacent less months. The logic why I deliberation this is truthful important is because Google has beautiful overmuch told america this. They added nan different acquisition E onto nan E-A-T accusation past year, and I deliberation that that's not a coincidence.
So nan acquisition that group are tin to exemplify is really, really important because bots don't personification opinions. Bots don't ain bicycles. They don't personification pets. They don't personification existent real-world experience. So I deliberation that wherever we're tin to show that real-world acquisition and tin to format it pinch awesome AI tools, I deliberation that's going to beryllium a awesome triumph for contented creators successful nan adjacent mini while.
So that's contented creators and really they're going to beryllium managing this AI abstraction there.