Tiktok Reportedly Plans ‘immediate’ Sunday Shutdown In The Us If It’s Banned

Trending 4 weeks ago

TikTok will unopen down wholly successful nan US connected Sunday without involution from nan US Supreme Court, unnamed sources personification told Reuters. That would spell beyond nan ban’s petition for app stores to extremity offering downloads of nan app, but not instantly halt usage of it.

If TikTok shuts down, it will show users a pop-up relationship pointing them to a website pinch accusation astir nan ban, according to nan outlet's sources. The institution will too reportedly fto users download each of their data.

On Friday past week, a lawyer for TikTok said during a Supreme Court proceeding that nan app will “go dark” if nan tribunal doesn’t region nan ban. The court’s determination connected nan matter could recreation arsenic soon arsenic today, and a shutdown is 1 of nan imaginable outcomes for TikTok, whose executives precocious told labour were “planning for various scenarios,” arsenic we reported yesterday.

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