Precisely Match 200,000+ Colors Instantly With This Tiny Tool For 40% Off

Trending 2 weeks ago

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The U.S. Department of Treasury reported that almost 30% of 2024 small-business owners cited accrued prices arsenic having nan biggest economical effect connected their company. So, grabbing bargains and ample discounts has spell overmuch important. Now, schematic designers, painters and contractors, interior designers, and decorators aliases anyone who needs to effortlessly lucifer a colour precisely for immoderate logic will very overmuch admit getting overmuch than 40% disconnected a Nix Mini 3 Color Sensor.

Steal colors from anywhere, past transcript and paste nan integer colour values into your favourite package programs. It's for illustration having a Photoshop eyedropper instrumentality successful existent life. More than 150,000 professionals usage nan Nix Mini 3.

The Nix Mini 3 allows you to entree overmuch than 200,000 brand-name overgarment colors successful nan astir basal colour codes, specified arsenic HEX, RGB and CMYK. With yearly aliases monthly subscription options, you tin usage it to lucifer premium colour libraries specified arsenic Pantone, NCS and RAL, giving you nan professional-grade versatility and precision of precocious colour systems.

You tin too conveniently personification precise colour matching pinch free entree to nan free Nix Toolkit mobile app, which is designed to seamlessly complement nan Mini 3. It's disposable to download from nan Google Play Store for Android phones and Apple's App Store. How elemental will your workflow beryllium erstwhile you personification instant calibration-free scanning that delivers cleanable results wherever you go?

The Nix Mini 3 has important improvements complete nan Mini 2. It offers 3 times nan resolution, improved artillery life and Bluetooth connectivity. Plus, it has an IPX4 waterproof rating, meaning it's scatter and debris-resistant. So you don't personification to liking astir taking it to business sites.

The Mini 3 is too highly mini astatine 1"x1.6"x1.6" and weighs small than an ounce. A lanyard is moreover included, connected pinch a diagnostics tile and USB-C charging cable, truthful you tin support it useful and hands-free.

Get a Nix Mini 3 Color Sensor while nan worth has dropped to $69.97, a 41% discount disconnected nan regular $119 portion price, pinch free shipping.

StackSocial prices taxable to change.

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