Popeye And Tintin Are Now In The Public Domain

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It’s a caller year, and that intends overmuch useful are headed to nan nationalist domain. This year, thousands of copyrighted useful created successful 1929, including nan earliest versions of Popeye and nan Belgian comic book characteristic Tintin, are now free to reuse and repurpose successful nan US.

Duke Law School’s Center for nan Study of Public Domain has erstwhile again rounded up each nan astir iconic useful that personification been freed from nan bounds of copyright, which too includes sound recordings from 1924. As pointed retired by Duke Law School, 1929 was a peculiarly pivotal twelvemonth for film, arsenic it was nan first pinch sound.

These are conscionable immoderate of nan useful entering nan nationalist domain this twelvemonth (you tin position nan afloat catalog here):

  • The Skeleton Dance from Disney’s Silly Symphonies short movie series
  • Alfred Hitchcock’s first sound movie Blackmail
  • Nacio Herb Brown’s Singin’ successful nan Rain and nan movie it appeared in, The Hollywood Revue of 1929
  • On With nan Show, nan first all-talking feature-length movie successful color
  • William Faulkner’s The Sound and nan Fury
  • Agatha Christie’s Seven Dials Mystery
  • Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms
  • Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own
  • Various useful from Salvador Dali, including Illumined Pleasures, The Accommodations of Desire, and The Great Masturbator

The database too includes Popeye, who first appeared successful E.C. Segar’s Thimble Theatre comic strip, pinch a communicative titled “Gobs of Work.” But this Popeye isn’t nan 1 that eats spinach to move ample muscles; nan brawny sailor didn’t commencement eating spinach to summation spot until 1932 (though nan very first Popeye could still battalion a punch).

“Everything that he says, each of his characteristics, his personality, his sarcasm… that’s nationalist domain,” Jennifer Jenkins, nan caput of Duke’s Center for nan Study of nan Public Domain, told NPR. “The spinach, if you want to beryllium connected nan safe side, you mightiness want to wait.”

The earliest type of nan young newsman Tintin and his pup Snowy (or “Milou” if you speak French) from Hergé’s Les Aventures de Tintin are too headed to nan nationalist domain. But folks successful nan European Union, wherever protections usage passim an author’s life and 70 years aft death, will personification to clasp a mini longer for a copyright-free Tintin. Since Hergé died successful 1983, nan EU won’t spot Tintin successful nan nationalist domain until 2054, according to Duke University.

As pinch erstwhile years’ works, this latest accusation of media could’ve appeared successful nan nationalist domain overmuch earlier, but US lawmakers successful 1998 extended copyright protections to useful from 1923 and beyond for an further 20 years — conveniently protecting Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse. But Disney couldn’t support its iconic rodent each to itself forever, arsenic nan Steamboat Willie-era Mickey entered nan nationalist domain past year. We’re getting moreover overmuch Mickey Mouse animations successful 2025, including nan short movie The Karnival Kid, wherever Mickey Mouse dons his achromatic gloves for nan first clip and speaks his first words: “hot dogs.”

Just for illustration pinch Mickey and Winnie nan Pooh, we’re bound to spot games and movies starring Popeye and Tintin arsenic group effort to necktie attraction pinch nan freshly disposable characters. Even Netflix is preparing an adjustment of Agatha Christie’s 1929 caller The Seven Dials.

There will beryllium an moreover wider scope of classical characters to usage adjacent year, pinch Betty Boop and Pluto group to participate nan nationalist domain successful 2026.

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