Microsoft Won’t Support Office Apps On Windows 10 After October 14th

Trending 4 weeks ago

Microsoft says it will nary longer support Office apps, known arsenic Microsoft 365 apps, connected Windows 10 later this year. The support cutoff coincides pinch Windows 10’s extremity of support connected October 14th, and will mean businesses and consumers that spot connected Microsoft 365 apps will petition to upgrade to Windows 11.

“Microsoft 365 Apps will nary longer beryllium supported aft October 14, 2025, connected Windows 10 devices,” says Microsoft successful a blog post. “To usage Microsoft 365 Applications connected your device, you will petition to upgrade to Windows 11.”

While support will extremity for Office apps connected Windows 10 successful October, it doesn’t mean nan apps will abruptly extremity working. Microsoft notes successful a support archive that was updated successful December that “the applications will proceed to usability arsenic before” aft Windows 10 support ends, but that location could beryllium “performance and reliability issues complete time.”

Microsoft really wants group to extremity utilizing Windows 10 this year, and is calling 2025 “the twelvemonth of nan Windows 11 PC refresh.” The package shaper declared astatine CES past week that refreshing an aged Windows 10 PC will beryllium overmuch important than buying a caller TV aliases telephone this year.

“We judge that 1 of nan astir important pieces of exertion group will look to refresh successful 2025 isn’t nan refrigerator, nan tv aliases their mobile phone. It will beryllium their Windows 10 PC, and they will move guardant pinch Windows 11,” said Yusuf Mehdi, executive vice president and personification main trading serviceman astatine Microsoft.

Windows 11 return is still lagging down Windows 10, and millions of machines simply can’t upgrade to nan latest OS owed to Microsoft’s strict hardware requirements. Microsoft precocious closed nan doorway connected Windows 11 supporting older hardware, noting that its Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 petition for Windows 11 is “non-negotiable.” Microsoft is now trying to personification Windows 10 users to buy a caller PC pinch full-screen prompts.

While support for Windows 10 ends later this year, Microsoft is too offering Extended Security Updates to consumers for nan first clip ever. Consumers will beryllium tin to salary $30 for an different twelvemonth of updates, while businesses will beryllium tin to acquisition up to 3 years of extended updates.

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