With nan Marvel Rivals train firmly connected its way, it’s clip to commencement nan game’s first charismatic season. In a short trailer, Marvel Rivals developer Net Ease has announced that play 1 originates later this week connected January 10th.
According to nan trailer, play 1 features nan beingness of Dracula who plunges New York City into eternal nighttime by *checks notes* teaming up pinch Dr. Doom to tamper pinch nan moon’s orbit. (Hey, it’s a comic book game, weird nonsensical worldly is expected to happen.) Apparently Dracula has imprisoned Dr. Strange successful a pouch magnitude and has too unleashed a horde of vampires because messing pinch nan outer conscionable wasn’t enough.
To conflict against this nefarious plot, Rivals will adhd 4 caller characters to nan game’s roster — The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, Mr. Fantastic, and The Thing — nan leader firm known arsenic The Fantastic Four. Throughout nan week starring up to season’s launch, players will beryllium get a first look astatine nan caller heroes and their abilities starting January 7th. The summation too has a spot of synergy pinch nan larger Marvel Cinematic Universe arsenic The Fantastic Four movie starring Pedro Pascal and Vanessa Kirby releases successful July of this year.
Marvel Rivals appears to beryllium scratching nan leader shooter itch reminiscent of nan early days of nan original Overwatch. Developer Net Ease announced that nan crippled has surpassed 20 cardinal players soon aft nan free-to-play game’s motorboat successful early December.