Kobo’s E-readers Are Now $10 More Expensive

Trending 5 days ago

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski is a elder newsman who’s been covering and reviewing nan latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved each things physics since he was a kid.

Kobo has accrued nan worth of 3 of its e-readers pursuing a akin worth summation by nan institution successful January 2023. The seven-inch Kobo Libra Colour, arsenic bully arsenic nan six-inch Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo Clara BW, are each now $10 overmuch expensive, arsenic spotted by TheeBookReader. The prices of nan larger (and aging) Kobo Elipsa 2E and Kobo Sage were not affected.

The worth summation doesn’t look to beryllium related to precocious announced tariffs aliases immoderate affects they whitethorn personification connected nan costs of Kobo’s e-readers successful nan US and Canada.

With nan increase, nan Kobo Libra Colour is now $229.99, which is still $50 cheaper than Amazon’s $279.99 Kindle Colorsoft. Both devices usage nan aforesaid E Ink colour aboveground technology, though Amazon customized it for nan Colorsoft to amended vibrancy and colour accuracy. But nan Kobo Libra Colour too features stylus support for highlighting matter and note-taking, includes page move buttons, and makes it somewhat easier to sideload contented for illustration ebooks and PDFs originated from extracurricular Kobo’s ebook store.

At $159.99, nan Kobo Clara Colour too remains a cheaper replacement to nan Kindle Colorsoft for those wanting an e-reader pinch a colour screen, aliases for consumers wanting to debar Amazon altogether.

But nan $139.99 Kobo Clara BW is simply a tougher sell. It’s now $30 overmuch costly than nan $109.99 base-model Kindle, and though nan Clara BW offers upgrades for illustration waterproofing, consumers looking for a inexpensive e-reader pinch entree to a robust ebook shop are amended disconnected opting for Amazon’s entry-level offering. The worth summation too intends there’s now only a $20 value betwixt nan Clara BW and nan $159.99 basal Kindle Paperwhite, which offers a larger seven-inch show and noticeably amended build worth pinch a flush-mounted screen.

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