Here's What's Open And Closed On Christmas Eve And Christmas Day 2024: Hours For Target, Walgreens, Walmart, Cvs, Whole Foods, And More

Trending 1 month ago

Despite trying to beryllium prepared and vacation shopping early, nan mobility of what's unfastened and what's closed during Christmas inevitably ever comes up. From needing last-minute gifts to home-cooked meals gone awry, it's important to cognize wherever you tin move successful times of a room mishap aliases room present.

This year, nan holidays autumn midweek, and galore businesses look to beryllium staying unfastened connected Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24) and closing connected Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25) — though cheque pinch your conception stores earlier heading out.

Here's what's unfastened and closed this Christmas holiday.


Both Target and Walmart are unfastened connected Christmas Eve (until 8 p.m. and 6 p.m., respectively) and closed connected Christmas Day.

Macy's and Kohl's are unfastened connected Christmas Eve until 7 p.m. and closed connected Christmas Day. Nordstrom, meanwhile, will personification "limited hours" connected Christmas Eve and adjacent connected nan 25th.

Home betterment stores Home Depot and Lowe's are unfastened connected Christmas Eve (until 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., respectively) and closed connected Christmas Day.

Grocery stores

Like portion stores, galore grocers are unfastened (some pinch modified hours, immoderate pinch regular hours) connected Christmas Eve and closed connected Christmas Day, including Albertsons-owned stores, Kroger-owned stores, Aldi, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's.

All Publix stores adjacent astatine 7 p.m. connected Christmas Eve and will beryllium closed connected Christmas Day, December 25, nan institution said.

Wegmans stores will adjacent astatine 6 p.m. connected Christmas Eve and adjacent connected Christmas Day.

However, for those successful a pinch, premier Albertsons, Safeway, ACME, and Vons stores will beryllium unfastened connected Christmas Day pinch adjusted hours, truthful cheque pinch your conception location.

Post Office and Shipping

USPS conception locations are unfastened connected December 24 and regular connection will beryllium delivered, nan agency says. On Christmas Day, position offices are closed and regular connection will not beryllium delivered. However, Priority Express Mail will still beryllium delivered connected nan 25th.

UPS and FedEx stores and deliveries will not beryllium operating connected Christmas Day.

Banks and banal markets

Most banks will beryllium closed connected Christmas Day and adjacent early connected Christmas Eve, though ATMs should beryllium functional. The midweek holidays effect banal markets arsenic well—both nan New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are closed connected Christmas Day.


Pharmacies are a mini different—especially Walgreens, which will beryllium unfastened connected Christmas Eve and Christmas Day pinch normal business hours. The company's 24-hour pharmacies will enactment open, moreover connected Christmas, but non-24-hour locations (pharmacy only) will adjacent connected Christmas Day.

CVS will too beryllium unfastened connected Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but nan institution says immoderate stores will personification reduced hours, truthful cheque pinch your conception shop.

Rite Aid, meanwhile, will beryllium unfastened connected nan 24th and adjacent connected nan 25th.

Chain Restaurants

Many McDonald's and IHOPs will beryllium open, while Chick-fil-A and Chipotle are closed. Check your conception locations earlier heading out.

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