Eddy Cue Explains Why Apple Won’t Make A Search Engine

Trending 1 month ago

Apple elder VP of services Eddy Cue says Apple will not create a hunt centrifugal to compete pinch Google arsenic it “would costs billions of dollars and return galore years,” arsenic recorded successful a mobility to intervene revenge pinch nan Department of Justice (DOJ) connected Monday. The intent of nan mobility is to participate successful nan reward shape of nan DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit against Google, wherever arsenic overmuch arsenic $20 cardinal could beryllium astatine liking for Apple successful its ongoing default hunt centrifugal woody pinch Google.

The DOJ and Google personification disagreed connected really to reside Google’s monopoly connected general-purpose hunt engines, but immoderate parties personification tentatively accepted cutting aliases renegotiating its Apple partnership. Last week Google projected a three-year prohibition connected strict semipermanent exclusivity deals involving immoderate ”proprietary Apple characteristic aliases functionality.”

Cue warns that removing nan hunt woody would yet wounded Apple and usage Google:

If this Court prohibits Google from sharing gross for hunt distribution, Apple would personification 2 unacceptable choices. It could still fto users successful nan United States return Google arsenic a hunt centrifugal for Safari, but Apple could not personification immoderate banal of nan resulting revenue, truthful Google would get valuable entree to Apple's users astatine nary cost. Or Apple could region Google Search arsenic a premier connected Safari. But because customers for illustration Google, removing it arsenic an action would harm immoderate Apple and its customers.

As reported by MacRumors, Cue said Apple making its ain wide hunt centrifugal would beryllium “economically risky” and suggests AI chatbots are nan adjacent ample betterment to search. Apple too noted successful nan filing that it would personification to adopt targeted advertizing arsenic a halfway activity to make hunt viable, which would caller severely pinch its privacy-focused business model.

Cue too says that “only Apple tin speak to what kinds of early collaborations tin champion work its users” and warns that nan DOJ’s projected remedies would “hamstring” Apple from fulfilling its customers’ needs.

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