Doom: The Dark Ages Looks Metal As Hell And Launches In May

Trending 3 weeks ago

After revealing its adjacent Doom crippled past summer, id Software is almost caller to merchandise it: nan workplace announced that Doom: The Dark Ages is launching connected May 15th.

The news came arsenic information of Xbox’s astir caller Developer Direct livestream, which provided nan champion look yet astatine nan prequel. As nan punishment implies, The Dark Ages is group successful a medieval imagination realm and takes spot agelong earlier nan events of Doom Eternal and nan franchise’s 2016 reboot. The developers opportunity that nan caller crippled features a overmuch bigger world pinch a larger accent connected communicative — including plentifulness of cutscenes — but nan astir important changes look to beryllium pinch really The Dark Ages will play.

A ample attraction this clip astir is connected melee combat. Since this is simply a Doom group successful medieval times, that intends players will get entree to sadistic caller melee weapons for illustration a spiked mace and robust flail. The modular of battles too seems to personification ramped up. We already knew that players would get a equine successful nan style of a cybernetic dragon, but today’s uncover too showed disconnected a skyscraper-sized mech suit truthful that nan Doomslayer tin conflict enemies nan size of kaiju.

Another ample alteration is simply a greater accent connected accessibility done a bid of gameplay sliders. These fto you group things for illustration nan crippled velocity aliases parry timing, either ramping them up aliases down. Essentially, these options should springiness players nan expertise to really customize nan experience, either making it overmuch approachable aliases a afloat batch harder. There are modular problem options arsenic well.

Doom: The Dark Ages is coming to nan PS5, Xbox, and PC erstwhile it launches successful May.

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