Build And Deploy Apps On Digitalocean App Platform With Custom Domain

Trending 6 days ago


As developers, we often build projects connected nan side, whether for nosy aliases to study point new. These projects too work arsenic impervious of our skills.

You should personification impervious of work. Beyond your code, users should beryllium tin to usage your application, and for that, it should not conscionable beryllium successful localhost:3000, but accessible done a link. To execute this, you petition to deploy your exertion and practice it to a civilization domain for amended readability and easy sharing.

In this article, you will get introduced to DigitalOcean App Platform, and spot really easy it is to spell from deploying an exertion to mapping it to a civilization domain successful conscionable a less clicks.


  1. A DigitalOcean relationship to entree nan App Platform.

  2. A GitHub account.

  3. Custom domain disposable connected NameCheap aliases akin platform.

What is DigitalOcean App Platform?

App Platform is simply a afloat managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that helps developers build, deploy, and modular applications pinch ease. It abstracts distant overmuch of nan infrastructure management, allowing you to attraction connected codification and deployment.

It tin automatically analyse and build codification from git providers for illustration GitHub and GitLab, and group your applications to nan cloud. It tin too group utilizing instrumentality images that you personification already uploaded to DigitalOcean Container Registry aliases Docker Hub.

With features for illustration DDoS mitigation, car OS patching, vertical scaling, HTTP support, world CDN and domain support, nan App Platform makes it elemental to group and negociate your apps.

Step 1 - Deploying utilizing App Platform

Once nan exertion is ready, you tin deploy it from monorepos,container images, aliases utilizing GitHub Actions.

A monorepo is simply a version-controlled codification repository that holds galore projects. While these projects whitethorn beryllium related, they are often logically independent and tally by different teams.

Let america spot really we tin deploy applications utilizing nan App Platform pinch GitHub. Let’s opportunity you personification a backstage GitHub repository pinch an index.html grounds that contains this elemental hullo world code:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Hello World</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, World!</h1> <script> console.log("Hello, World!"); </script> </body> </html>

Deploy Using Github

  • Go to nan Apps page and click connected Create App.

Apps Page connected DigitalOcean App Platform

  • Connect your GitHub narration and past premier nan GitHub repository that contains your guidelines code.

Connect Your Github Account

  • In nan Source Directory field, specify nan files that contains nan guidelines arsenic shown successful nan image below. Since our demo repository only consists of an index.html grounds successful nan guidelines directory, we will spell up pinch nan default /. If your codification follows a monorepo structure, make judge you return nan peculiar directory wherever nan codification is located.

Github Source Directory of nan app

Select auto-deploy, this will automatically re-deploy whenever you push a caller change:

Select auto-Deploy

  • Configure resources for your app and click connected Next. This is what you will see:

Enter image alt description

  • Next, it will spell done immoderate checks earlier it yet deploys nan app. For overmuch analyzable apps, specified arsenic nan ones utilizing an API, you whitethorn petition to adhd business variables, successful nan adjacent pages, you tin configure those.

Enter image alt description

  • In nan adjacent step, you tin edit nan punishment of nan exertion and return nan assets nether which your app will beryllium deployed.

Enter image alt description

  • Then you click connected Next to position nan Review page, wherever you get to spot different app related accusation for illustration billing, location, etc. Then yet click connected Create assets to get nan app deployed.

Enter image alt description

  • This will return a less minutes. Once nan app deploys, you tin position nan app astatine nan URL and different specifications successful nan Overview page.

Enter image alt description

If you recreation each nan steps above, this is really your exertion will look like:

Step 2: Mapping nan exertion to a civilization domain

Now that your exertion is successfully deployed and has an domain, successful this step, you will spot really you tin practice it to a civilization domain.

There are 2 ways by which you tin adhd a civilization domain to your app:

  1. Using automation

  2. Using nan powerfulness panel

For this article, you will spot really you tin configure civilization domain utilizing nan powerfulness panel.

  • Login toDigitalOcean Cloud and premier nan app you want to adhd nan domain to, and past click connected nan Settings tab.

  • Then, click nan Edit nexus to nan correct of Domains, andthen click nan Add Domain button.

Enter image alt description

  • As soon arsenic you commencement typing your domain punishment successful nan matter conception below. You will get 2 options to adhd your civilization domain.

Enter image alt description

  • You tin either adhd nan civilization domain utilizing DigitalOcean’s punishment servers aliases utilizing a CNAME provider.

  • To usage DigitalOcean’s punishment servers, transcript and paste them (,, into your domain registrar’s punishment server records. Check our tutorial connected Point to DigitalOcean Name Servers From Common Domain Registrars for guidance connected delegating your domain to DigitalOcean’s punishment servers from celebrated registrars.

Add Custom Domain

  • You tin too adhd a CNAME grounds to your domain. If your DNS supplier is not DigitalOcean, cheque their archiving for instructions. Use nan copy fastener to transcript nan othername and paste it into nan CNAME grounds connected your DNS supplier to constituent your civilization domain to your App Platform app. Once done, click nan Add Domain button.

Add domain

For overmuch precocious settings related to nan domain, mention to our archiving connected How to Manage Domains successful App Platform.

Adding domains bought connected Namecheap

You tin recreation nan supra steps to adhd civilization domains purchased connected immoderate platform. For this example, fto america spot really you would configure nan settings for a domain bought connected Namecheap.

  • Log successful to your Namecheap account. Click connected Domain List, premier nan domain you want to add, and past click Manage.

  • Then move to nan Advanced DNS tab and click Add caller record.

Add New Record

  • Then, spell to DigitalOcean’s power sheet and transcript nan nexus from nan conception shown below.

Choose DNS

  • Paste it successful Namecheap and prevention your changes.

Enter image alt description

That’s all! Now, you personification your exertion mapped to your civilization domain.


In this article, you learned really to deploy your applications and negociate civilization domains utilizing DigitalOcean.

Custom domains tin thief your website rank higher successful hunt engines because they are unsocial and applicable to your brand. It too makes it easier for group to retrieve nan URL and entree your application.

Here are immoderate champion practices to recreation for a civilization domain:

  • Ensure SSL/TLS security, arsenic it encrypts accusation and improves SEO by providing a unafraid connection.

  • Monitor domain wellness regularly to observe issues and support optimal capacity for users.

  • Create backups to protect against accusation nonaccomplishment and fto for a speedy betterment if your domain aliases tract experiences problems.

Next steps

If you find to discontinue your app for immoderate reason, make judge to region nan civilization domain earlier deleting nan app. To region it, spell to nan power panel, click connected your app, and past click connected Settings. Next, click nan Edit nexus to nan correct of Domains and nan triple-dot () insubstantial item, and finally, click connected Remove Domain to region nan domain.

Here’s a database of resources that tin recreation successful handy:

  • How do I adhd a domain that contains emblematic characters?

  • DNS How-Tos

  • I can’t delete my domain because of an associated Let’s Encrypt certificate

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