Bad news for folks hoping nan Powerbeats Pro 2 tin move their thorax strap astatine nan gym: while nan workout buds are awesome astatine playing euphony and tin nexus to various gym instrumentality to measurement bosom rate, they can’t do immoderate astatine nan aforesaid time.
The rumor was pointed retired successful YouTuber DC Rainmaker’s reappraisal of nan buds. Rainmaker, who’s trusted by fittingness enthusiasts for his rigorous bosom title and GPS testing, says that Apple confirmed nan issue. The Verge too reached retired for further clarification, but did not instantly personification a response.
In my testing, I unluckily couldn’t get nan Powerbeats Pro 2 to nexus pinch nan treadmills aliases bikes astatine my conception gym (because it’s difficult to get immoderate peripherals to nexus to nan ancient machines there). Regardless, it’s counterintuitive to make users return betwixt bosom title and euphony connected gym equipment. The afloat necktie of adding bosom title to headphones is that you tin theoretically consolidate workout peripherals.
Rainmaker, and different fittingness influencers for illustration Shervin Shares, too support that nan Powerbeats Pro 2 don’t measurement bosom title connected iOS apps arsenic reliably arsenic they do connected Android apps. On that front, Apple and Beats told The Verge successful a spot briefing that bosom title features connected iOS were constricted to 7 partner apps astatine launch: Runna, Nike Run Club, Open, YaoYao, Slopes, Peloton, and Ladder. We were told that apps for illustration Strava, Zwift, and moreover Apple’s ain Fitness Plus are incompatible pinch bosom title tracking, but that Apple hopes to turn nan partner database successful nan future.
In nan iOS partner apps, nan bosom title usability is expected to commencement up automatically without nan personification having to do anything. I tested nan Powerbeats Pro 2 pinch Peloton and Ladder connected iOS and had zero issues pinch connectivity and accuracy, though I stuck to low-to-mid spot workouts for illustration yoga and spot training.
These app limitations, however, don’t usage to Android — nan buds activity pinch immoderate Android app that supports a Bluetooth bosom title tracker. One could logic this each traces backmost to Apple wanting things to “just work” incorrect its ecosystem — and nan complications arising from that. For example, nan buds are programmed truthful that if you usage them pinch an Apple Watch, nan Apple Watch’s bosom title accusation will ever return precedence moreover if you’d for illustration to usage nan Powerbeats instead. Users aren’t fixed a choice. The buds don’t, however, enforce that limitation connected different third-party headphones pinch bosom title tracking, for illustration nan Sennheiser Momentum Sport aliases thorax straps.
For these reasons, affirmative nan truth that it’s unwieldy to position nan Powerbeats Pro 2’s bosom title accusation successful nan Health app, we noted successful our reappraisal that nan bosom title characteristic isn’t peculiarly useful — peculiarly for athletes who usage Apple Watches aliases want nan apical authorities complete their bosom title peripherals.