Ninja Gaiden 4 Is Coming To Xbox, Pc, And Ps5

Trending 3 weeks ago

Microsoft promised a caller crippled announcement astatine its Xbox Developer Direct event, and that crippled turned retired to beryllium Ninja Gaiden 4. The caller preamble successful nan long-running franchise is being co-developed by Team Ninja connected pinch Platinum Games, nan squad down action games for illustration Bayonetta and Nier: Automata. The crippled is launching successful Fall 2025, and will beryllium coming to Xbox, PC, and PS5 (it will too beryllium disposable via Game Pass).

While nan Ninja Gaiden franchise has been astir since nan precocious ‘80s, it entered into a caller era connected nan Xbox pinch nan bloody, and tough-as-nails Ninja Gaiden connected Xbox successful 2004. That version, developed by Team Ninja, was ported to a fistful of different consoles and too received a number of sequels. Based connected nan debut trailer, nan caller crippled looks to proceed nan acheronian action started pinch nan 2004 release, but pinch moreover faster gameplay.

In summation to nan brand-new release, a remake of Ninja Gaiden II was too announced called Ninja Gaiden II Black. In a bully surprise: nan crippled is disposable now connected console, PC, and Game Pass.

These aren’t nan only returns to Ninja Gaiden successful nan works, however. Retro experts Dotemu are too processing a caller throwback merchandise called Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound.

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