Newer Sony Cameras Can Now Upload Images To Google Drive And Lightroom

Trending 3 days ago

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski is a elder newsman who’s been covering and reviewing nan latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved each things physics since he was a kid.

Sony has updated its Creators’ Cloud level truthful that images uploaded to a user’s unreality retention from premier Sony cameras tin beryllium automatically transferred to Google Drive aliases Adobe Lightroom. With Google Drive, you tin prevention photos for backup and sharing, and pinch Adobe Lightroom, images tin beryllium processed almost immediately, moreover by a distant editor. The characteristic is only compatible pinch caller Sony cameras (including nan FX3, FX30, A1, ZV-E10 II, and A9 III) that support nan expertise to upload images to nan unreality complete Wi-Fi aliases done Sony’s Creators’ App disposable for Android, iOS, and iPadOS mobile devices.

Images are first uploaded to Sony’s Creators‘ Cloud retention consecutive earlier being sent to either Google Drive aliases Lightroom. That offers an added level of redundancy, while too allowing photographers to incorporated different unreality retention solutions into their workflows they whitethorn already net for.

All Sony Creators’ Cloud users get 5GB of retention for free, aliases 25GB if they’re utilizing it pinch a Sony camera. Sony too offers 2 premium tiers pinch 100GB of retention for $4.99 per play and $59.88 annually, aliases 500GB for $9.99 per play and $119.88 annually.

Sony precocious updated Creators’ Cloud to spot a differential proscription characteristic successful nan Sony’s Creators’ App that limits image transfers betwixt a Sony camera and a mobile instrumentality to only caller photos aliases images that haven’t been antecedently transferred over.

Sony has too added “advanced powerfulness options” to its mobile app, allowing users of premier Sony cameras to group definite camera settings consecutive from a connected smartphone aliases tablet.

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